Here's a paragraph I came across today. The words are David Lynch's. They had a lot of resonance for me so I thought I'd share them.
"Negativity is the enemy to creativity. So, if you want more ideas flowing then find happiness in the doing--happiness in the doing. I love, literally LOVE building a thing that ultimately has to feel correct before it's finished, and that feeling correct is like a drug. It's like a thing that just kicks you and makes you feel so good. You almost pass out. You fall off your feet."
David Lynch
There is a very simple, and very profound truth in these words. You can't create out of pain and bitterness. Pain of course can inspire you, like many other life experiences. But the transformation of that experience into a work of art is the richest when the actual doing of it brings immense, intense pleasure.
This is something I know but too frequently keep forgetting.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
I did do some pondering about this my own self, especially when they cast Tom Aldredge, who played Steve’s father in Delirious, as his father in Boardwalk. But, that’s the way this game is played. It is very much like highschool where popularity has very little to do with value.
I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time as I did the other night when reading once again Tom’s Eating Crow diaries which accompanied the Living in Oblivion script…”Bringham Young
University”…If you haven’t read it, Elaine, I absolutely highly recommend it.
Independent Filmmaker & Musician
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