When John Densmore and I were in Paris a few months ago we met Alexandre Isard, a French photographer who was shooting stills for a magazine article about the release of When You're Strange.
Alexandre dragged us into some Parisian back alley and left us to fend for ourselves. As proof we survived he sent me these photos yesterday.
Without sounding too sappy it struck me in looking at these shots that Alexandre captured something real between us. I especially appreciate the last one.
It should come as no surprise looking at these shots that being in Paris with John was one of the most enjoyable moments I've had in this business.
I'd highly recommend checking out Alexandre Isard's other work here www.alexandreisard.com. He's got an amazing eye and an acutely human touch.
PS:If you ever make a film containing a charcter who is a quirky professor or author who is verbally obsessed,please consider me.
Last time I said to a guy : ” You have to go and see “When you’re strange” by Tom Dicillo!”, it was to an amazing guy who looked half like Jesus half like Jim Morrison. Damien, that’s the guy’s name, had just told me he had seen Jim telling him he was his sole heir.
And it’s been quite an astonishing night…
And it’s an astonishing movie.
A bientôt!
Glad you like the photos.
Welcome home. I like the 4th picture too. But, it really was espresso. And believe me, I was so jet-lagged I really needed it. So, in that respect it was kind of like a shot of booze.
I’m glad you responded to Alexandre’s work. I agree with you. He’s got an amazing ability to capture something alive in all his photos.
thanks for writing. I appreciate very much your kind words about the films I have made.
We were just playing in the photos of course. But, it was my idea to do something whacky like that, and to go on opposite sides of the alley at the end to “relieve” ourselves.
I agree with you. That driving footage from HWY is mesmerizing. I saw clips of it on the blu-ray. Man, you feel like you’re right in the car with Jim. All those stoopit fokkers who thought we used a double. Jeezes, I can’t believe sometimes that everyone was born with a brain.
Been traveling a bit and have not had computer access.
That’s a cool connection you made between When You’re Strange and Elliot Murphy said about The Velvets. If When You’re Strange struck you that way than I feel extremely gratified. I tried hard to treat the film as if I knew nothing.
I like the fourth picture best.
What you’re drinking seems like coffee judging by the cups but you both have the looks and attitude of somebody holding a bottle of whiskey. 🙂
Best wishes on your work.
I’m glad you liked that image of Jim getting out of the car. I had a few meanings in mind, including the one that reminded you of Goldstein’s quote.
I’m sure you have heard thousands of comments about “When you are Strange” so ,I don’t think one more will do any difference . I saw your movie and as a huge “The Doors” fan I’ll just keep the opening scene ,when Morrison comes out of the smashed car in the desert(reminded me the line from a fan in Richard Goldstein’s article in New York Magazine “The Shaman as a Superstar’ “ I like to think he just arrived-you know,he just came out of nowhere” .I do hope ,maybe few years later you “revisit” the movie .
Finally ,“When you are Strange” for two nights 16 and 22 of September at Athens 16th International Film Festival .Good luck Mr. DiCillo .
My best regards .
Great to hear from you. I’ve been pretty pre-occupied with some music and writing so havent’ had much time to replenish the blog.
I’m glad you checked out Alexandre’s work. I really think he’s got something special. And I look forward very much to that day when you get that backcover photo taken!