This came in a little while ago from MK2, the French distributor. Thought I'd share it with you.
Dig that poster.
When You’re Strange, the Doors documentary, directed by Tom DiCillo, reached 55 099 admissions in France in one week, on 55 prints.
It is the best opening of a musical documentary in France in a long time. French film goers overwhelmingly voted in favour of the band with a rating outside cinemas of 93% (Source Ecran Total / Observatoire de la Satisfaction).
Along with the newsstand Special Edition of the Magazine ‘Trois Couleurs’ dedicated to the group and a soundtrack released by Rhino France, Tom DiCillo’s film reinforces the myth and reveals the true cult of the Doors, especially with the young public.
In its second week, French distributor MK2 Diffusion, has added 37 prints, which adds up to a total of 92 copies in France.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the film!!!
And thanks a million again !
Great to hear from you again. I’m glad you enjoyed the film. I heard it played at the Naro. I would have loved to sit through one of those screenings. I used to live right around the corner.
Thanks for the update from London.
that is a great review in the German paper. Thanks for sending that.
I’ve heard from a few people in Deutschland that the reviews have been supportive and that audiences are going to the film.
How does that blue ray look? I haven’t seen it yet? I really appreciate your support over this period. I know, it is hard to believe over a year has gone by.
You are too funny. Great fokkin’ Rolling Stone cover! That’s what they should have done.
Good to hear from you again. Thank you very much for all your kind words about the film. At the moment there is no theatrical distribution for Spain which is very sad.
Now you really do get the credit for the most times watching the film, including travelling out of state, buying it and having it delivered to your door.
I appreciate your enthusiasm for the film. I also enjoyed reading the article you sent from the Scottish newspaper. It is rewarding to see that someone actually saw what I was trying so hard to portray.
box-office wise first week: 1.941 viewers in 11 cinemas.
Meanwhile, I guess this is Jim’s “HWY”:
However, in another, more beautiful universe…check it out:
Composed entirely of original footage from 1966-1971, Tom DiCillo’s documentary about the Doors filters truth from myth, reveals new insight into Jim Morrison and his bandmates, and captures the essence of the iconic rock group and the era. DiCillo’s film pays tribute to the Doors and their music and to a generation’s struggle for individuality and authenticity during an unstable and transformative epoch in America.
just want to state , that I like the o. stone film, ( I have seen it again after 20 years) val kilmer is great, yours is great in a different way, it feels real…modern, exciting,, bla, bla.
agur helena from bilbao in babilo(n)
I’m glad you liked it on the big screen. I appreciate your continued support.
And remember, we already discussed and determined together that the “errors” you erroneously refer to are not really that big a deal and are actually rather miniscule in the scope of things.
I guess this is it. No matter what I appreciate your interest in the film.
After all this time I have come to a personal assessment of the film no matter what other people may say. I think I made a good film. I think it will not satisfy those who were looking to see new amazing info about how Jim screwed a rabbit during a concert in Kansas.
What a cool comment. First, I’m pleased you responded to the film. Second, I’m completely flabbergasted you noticed the music I did. Yes, I did all the tonal stuff that covers the HWY footage, from the Opening Credits, through the gas station and the scene of Jim on the rocks.
Thanks for writing and thanks for the link to the French Rolling Stone. I can’t quite read it, even though I did say all the words.
What a great story about your journey into the Basque Country to see When You’re Strange. Thank you so much for the eyewitness account and for making the trip.
My computer went down as I was reading your comment and it disappeared. I had to write it again from memory. I may have left out a few words but look what I did remember!
Thanks for posting the link to the German interview. I’ve actually done much more press for Germany than the UK; mostly over the phone. I did a few live interviews for Germany while I was in France.
What a great comment to get. I read your account of the screening in Georgia on your blog. It made me want to be there.
Dear Tom;
Yesterday I went to Bayonne, the other side of the border between Spain and France, as people used to do to see the last tango in paris, when it was impossible to be seen here, and finally got to see WYS.
Just to tell you that from what I know, it felt like an exciting honest portrait of a band with a great lead actor, and offers info about other aspects and interests of jim morrison, a realy well spoken, man, great with words,, m will definely buy the dvd, but didnt want to miss the chance of experiencing the magic of the cinema.
In france, people never believe I’m French!!They keep asking me “Where do you come from?”I have been given all sorts of various nationalities from South America to Scandinavia through Montenegro!!
Never Asian though!
100 screens!!
That is amazing indeed!!
I’m really glad for you!!
Well, I don’t know if the MK2 will do what you suggest but I do know this: they are still very happy. The film is now playing on 100 screens.
I like your thoughts on why WYS may be appealing to the French. I do think there is some truth to what you say.
That’s great to hear about WYS in Ireland. It doesn’t look like I’ll be coming over so you can be our eyes and ears. I’m really curious to see how it does over there.
Ms. Ann Onimuss 🙂
MK2 also did a very good job! And that’s wonderful! Your film is really great!I’m glad for you! Wishing you all the best!
Claire Loiseau,
The dangerous French woman,
as I was called in Philly…
What I think about your poster idea is that if this poster is available I´ll get one for sure, man, or two if I can afford it, it will be GREAT, let us know if it happens.
I’m out now to watch Brazil play in the World Cup, well not exactly “watch”, I get too nervous so I only peek now and then.
Have a great Sunday everybody.
NOTE: This comment was originally 3 pages long but I edited it meself and just left the main sentences.
Just kidding, Tom!:)
You are truly a warrior. Thanks for your enormous support of the film.
No worries about the editing. It was pretty simple. I just took the main sentence of each of your paragraphs! Yes, you did tend to go off a bit, but your passion is clearly evident.
I’m glad you responded to that interview. Believe me, not everything comes out coherent no matter how many times you answer a question. But something struck me during that moment that I think made it onto the page.
Good to hear from you. I agree, Vive la France. I’m not sure of the exact reason why the film is doing so well there. But, the openness to the film and to the band was very, very different to what happened here in America.
Thanks very much for writing. It is amazing to me the film is finding audiences in Chile. It only goes to show how strong The Doors are.
The French poster is gorgeous, wish I could get a copy.