There are many strange emotions that accompany events in this business but none is quite as complex as the moment when a film leaves a theater.
A little over a week ago When You're Strange disappeared from movie screens in NYC. It left with the same lack of fanfare with which it opened. I glanced in the paper one day and it was simply gone. I kept looking at the tiny title of the film that had replaced it thinking--hoping I'd misread it. It felt like part of me had disappeared.
So now the film will play fitfully around the country for a few more weeks I guess; a night here, a day there. I've heard from quite a few people who saw the film on PBS, including my mother who declared,
I never knew all those things about Jim Hendrix.
Most of the responses were extremely engaged and emotional so apparently some of what I'd strived for came through on the small screen. I was puzzled why the promotion for the PBS screenings included the original release poster title layout but had my name removed. Most likely another marketing decision.
But, if I really look at how this thing could have gone down there are many things to be thankful for. The film did get a theatrical release. Some of you saw it on the big screen. It played in NYC for a month which is no small feat considering the current financial climate and the fact the film is a music documentary. I think it could have played longer. I think this amazing band deserved the honor of a larger ad or two but those decisions were made by industry professionals who were not obligated to listen to me.
Still, I'm happy the film didn't end up as a straight-to-dvd sale to Walmart, which for a while was being considered as a viable option.
You'll see I've changed the banner of the blog. I'm still going to be discussing When You're Strange but I feel it is time to slip away my own self. I don't have information on things like DVD releases or which other countries will be releasing the film and when. Alas, I only wrote and directed the film. But, if you want to keep fresh on all things happening with the film, and The Doors I would highly recommend checking out Ida's detailed and refreshingly candid site ( which she updates regularly.
There is still a lot of stuff coming up about the film that I'll be relating. I'm going back to Paris at the beginning of June for the French premiere. John Densmore will be going with me again. Ray and Robby have performance dates that unfortunately conflict. Hopefully the volcano goddess will be in a better mood.
I'm excited about the French release. They've put a lot of time and thought into their promotional campaign. They have a real release planned along with the premiere, with a very cool poster and full-run openings in around 20 cities. The same type of official release will happen in the UK on July 5 and I will be going over to London to help promote it.
Meanwhile I'll be attempting to move my new film forward, a contemporary crime thriller I wrote called Lighthouse Road.
So, there you have it. One door closes and another one opens. Or, as Moe from the 3 Stooges once said,
One door closes and another one hits you in the face.
I realize I mis-wrote. It seems the only way to send a photo to the blog is to post it on another site and send in the link to it. See the way Noemie sent the link in her comment on the Strange In Paris post.
Thanks for your note. I’m thrilled your film instructor wants to use the film in her class. But, I’m not sure what you mean by “classroom performance rights.”
Art Institute of California-San Francisco
I saw Runaway Train in NYC in the dead of winter in a theater just south of Harlem. The theater had no heat. My wife and I were the only people in the audience. It was so cold we kept our hats, coats and gloves on. We could see our breath.
Thanks for writing, from Hong Kong. That’s a great story about you, your (ex) girlfriend and Living In Oblivion. The film did have strange impacts on people in the business.
Long time fan of your work (since Johnny Suede). Living in Oblivion was especially poignant for me. I first saw it just after it came out while dating a girl who was a script supervisor for some never to be seen indy horror films, which she talked endlessly about. I watched it several times, oblivious to the fact that it seemed to depress her (her career was hardly booming). We broke up shortly thereafter. But no worries – looking back I think I owe you one 😉
Big thanks for your passion, dedication and commitment to film. And can’t wait to see WYS in a theatre, if it makes it to Asia.
Thanks for your last comment with all the legal stuff. You should just know I’m not too interested in this area. I find it has little or nothing to do with the Doors or their music.
Yes, by all means send the photo. I’d love to see it. Send it as a low quality jpeg and I’ll try and post it.
Your film knowledge is impressive. I remember that line. I also remember thinking the first time I heard it, “Wow, that is an amazing distinction.” Most people equate animals with violence and cruelty. Voigt’s character pointed out it is actually a trait more common to humans.
That is an interesting document. But, in my opinion, it might have had to more to do with Jim’s original agreement with Ray, John and Robby–his belief that the band consisted of the Four of them, that no decision could be made unless all 4 agreed upon it.
Manzarek testified that he signed the one-page amendment when it was prepared but did not read it and did not understand its purpose.
Abe Somer testified that he recalled some concern about the band splintering, and that the amendment, as well as all of the band’s agreements, were explained to the band members before they signed.”
The court found Mr. Somers’ testimony to be credible and accepts it as true.”
Proposed Statement of Decision
By Judge Gregory Alarcon May 2005″
Big congratulations to you on finishing the draft. Moving all the way through something like that is a huge accomplishment. It takes enormous strength, determination and a belief in yourself.
Those are some pretty great quotes. They do provide some solace against the sucker punches.
Again, you speak my mind. I purposefully chose not to include any contemporary interviews with the band for precisely the reason you suggested: using only the footage of them from that time period keeps them spontaneous and alive. They didn’t need to talk about it; they were living it.
Good instinct on young actors. I feel exactly the same about Emile Hirsch. He’s on my list. And so is Evan Rachel Wood.
The line about Morrison exposing himself came from a transcript provided to me of the entire tape. Not all of the tape exists anymore and this was how I discovered the whole speech Jim made.
Ms. Ann Onimuss
I am pleased that I can contribute my small part in supporting your efforts. Another thing that needs to be recognized is the fact that you did not include any interviews from the present. It is something that would seem only logical for any director to consider in a case like this and, I think it was very effective that you did not. By not including “hindsight” interviews from the living members of The Doors, the documentary stays firmly in its time. I was able to transport myself back to the late 60’s and experience the band as closely as possible to those who were there.
I see what you mean now. Forgive me for going off on the devil/god rant. And I don’t feel obliged to answer; I enjoy your observations.
If you dug the Screamin’ Jay Hawkins version of “I Put A Spell On You” you will go crazy for Natascha Atlas’ take. She gives it a deep trip hop/middle eastern groove that is so hypnotic you could listen for days.
What a great story about your father. Thank him for me. And thank yourself while you’re at it. That was very cool of you to tell your friends about the PBS screening.
I used that YouTube comment only as an illustration of the way Jim is often perceived as having a personality that runs the gamut from one extreme to the other and includes everything in between – He´s a showy rock star, and an introspective poet, intelligent and sensitive, and also obnoxious and rude at times, and so on. Because of his many aspects it is easy to find at least one you can relate to, that was my point I guess. Sorry if I wasn’t very clear, when expressing myself I do tend to forget part of my thoughts inside my head now and then. No, serious, I do. Now you are warned.
I noticed you added an “s” to horror in that quote I sent (it is from the poem As I Look Back, it’s a single line there in the middle or towards the end (for anybody interested:– ). I’m not saying this to be picky at all, it’s just kind of funny because it makes clear how this business thing feels to you, it’s more than just horror, right, it deserves to be plural he he he.
Please don’t feel obliged to answer this comment, I don’t know how you do it, answering everything, it takes me such a long time to write a single one, gee. I just wanted to clarify what I said before really.
Casting can be fun. It can also be fucking nightmare. The worst case scenario goes like this: “We’ll give you the money to make the film if you get a star.”
First let me commend you for your mature and reasoned reply. I’m serious. Now we can have a dialogue, as opposed to a monologue.
Thanks for your evocative and thoughtful comment.
It is a great relief to hear that after all this time you finally saw the film and enjoyed it.
Your comment is very inspiring; and moving. If you felt I made the film in a truthful, riskier way I sincerely appreciate that.
Thanks for the journey to Nashville and inside your brain.
I’m glad you like Khaled. Interesting observation about Gipsy Kings. Now that I think about it there is some similarity. But I think Khaled has a much richer voice. Check him out on one of my favorite cuts called Oran Marseilles.
Also, have you heard of Natascha Atlas? She has taken the fusion a step further. I believe she is from Egypt. She has some amazing songs in her native tongue which you should check out but make sure you listen to her covers in English of James Brown’s “It’s a Man’s World” and Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ “I Put A Spell On You.”
Both are spellbinding.
Rai-ght On.
Or in your version: G-rai-t!
Thanks for writing. I think you should get some friends together and hit Paris on June 9th. A friend of mine there says there are posters all over the city. If you can see it on the big screen I think it will be worth your trip.
Speaking of trip, a woman I know here in NYC said while she was watching the film she had the strangest sensation that she was doing just that; tripping.
I won’t be there on the 9th. I’m coming in earlier to do a few days of press and then out on the 3rd.
And thanks for reading the blog for so long. Let us know what you think.
Well, the door is not closing entirely. I’m just moving ahead. It was great doing the Penthouse interview with you. I saw the article you sent me from the magazine but you did not include the rest of the magazine.
Which I guess is OK.
They say people only read the articles anyway.
Best of luck with your book on Paul Nelson.
Thanks very much for the words of support. You’ve been hanging in there with me on this thing for a long while.
And what a long, strange trip it’s been.
I’m very curious to see how the French, British and Germans respond to the film.
If I’m ever in Bean Town I’ll drop you line. I’m not a big football fan but that’s ok. Rumor has it there are some great brews up there.
_ Mike McKeever
I’ll be checking your other movies from now on. Exploring this site I learned you worked with Steve Buscemi, how cool is that! My husband and I are great fans. By the way my Doors-indifferent husband watched WYS on PBS with me and thought it was fantastic, despite the bleeping and blurring, and wants to see it again on DVD.
Ok, just one thing more, also about Jim. There is a comment in Spanish to a Doors song at YouTube that starts with the not uncommon “Jim Morrison is god” , but then the writer added: “and he’s the devil, too. He is everything!” This perceived “many-sidedness” Jim Morrison had is a large part of his appeal, isn’t it, and may explain also why is so easy to relate to him.
I appreciate your comments and I’m glad you liked the film. But, I have to confess your kneejerk responses are sometimes annoying. Please don’t take that personally. You are clearly very passionate about the Doors.
I was thinking actually of Rai (wry) as in Rai music, the very cool Arab, Algerian, African, French music fusion perhaps best personified by Khaled. Do you know his music?
I see and appreciate how you value your morning meals.
It has been fascinating witnessing your growing involvement in the film and The Doors. All I can see is keep your eyes open as clearly as they are now and you will go far.
Great to hear from you. It looks like I’ll be in England sometime before the film opens on July 5. We will definitely have that beer/liquidloafofbread.
That sounds like a very cool evening! After all this time you only tell us now you are in a band called The Soft Parade?! Come on, man! What kind of music do you play? I’m guessing it is Doors related.
I’m glad you like the new banner. I spent much more time than I should have on it.
You have a “rai” sense of humor which I like.
Can you believe the censoring on PBS? I didn’t see the whole thing but the blurred out body parts of both men and women seemed decidedly pre-Mayflower.
I don’t know whose decision it was to remove my name. I like to think it is because my name is as disturbing as some of those images but I believe the truth is much more mundane.
Thanks very much for your support through all these months.
The documentary has a date forecast to be released in Brazil?
A little message to say that we organise in my town of Mâcon (France – near Lyon) a big night Doors with a pre-release screening of “When You’re Strange”, a debate and a concert of my band The Soft Parade Thursday 3rd June at 8.30 PM !
Here is the link to the facebook’s event:!/event.php?eid=114612428575030