Alright. I've finally got a moment to turn the page from Delirious to the Doors. After all it's only been 3 years.
And after all, we're only talking about THE DOORS.
Some quick updates. The title of the film is WHEN YOU'RE STRANGE. The title was chosen because of its several meanings and connections to The Doors. It is a lyric from one of their signature songs, "People Are Strange." As a band their music has an indefinable quality, a strangeness that makes them completely unique. Morrison described the haunting darkness at the heart of their music as the sound "of no one at home." When the term is applied to the band and their music it is done so with honor.
WHEN YOU'RE STRANGE of course applies directly to Morrison himself. There is no figure in the history of American Rock and Roll who inspired so many myths; and continues to. The title also touches all those who have ever felt the cool chill of isolation and oddness themselves. Which, in a way, is all of us.
The film will be in the main documentary competition at Sundance. It will premiere there on Jan. 17. There has also been an official invitation from the Berlin Film Festival in February.
The picture is locked; all the picture editing is done and all the visual elements of the film are in place. All the detailed soundwork is in progress. Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Densmore have seen the film and given it their endorsement. More on this unique series of experiences later.
Bruce Botnick, who engineered the first 5 Doors albums and produced "LA Woman," is supervising and mixing all the music. In most cases the tracks will be in 5.1 Dolby surround. A huge amount of music is in the film, from studio sessions and live performances. The final mix is scheduled for the end of December. The finished film needs to be delivered to Sundance on Dec. 29 which is part of the reason I've been working like a meth freak on acid for the past two months.
I had one task in making this film; to capture the essence of The Doors in the most truthful and intimate way possible. It wasn't easy. The Doors are enveloped in a cloak of legend so thick sometimes it is impossible to penetrate it. People have deeply personal and passionate convictions regarding the "Truth" about the band. In my research I never met any two people whose version of this Truth was the same. In fact, most of the time the versions were in direct contradiction.
Also, 40 years after their meteoric rise, fall and rise, more has been written about The Doors than just about any American band. I was frequently plagued by a nagging inner voice that kept asking, "Who the hell are you to add anything to the story of The Doors?"
Here's how it happened. I was approached to direct the film in January of 2007 by Peter Jankowski, the film's Producer. He's also 2nd in command at Wolf Films. Wolf Films is Dick Wolf. Dick Wolf created Law and Order, soon to surpass Gunsmoke as the most successful TV series on the planet. Chris Noth used to be on Law and Order. Chris and I have been friends since 1979. He starred in one of my films, Double Whammy. A few years ago Chris threw my name into the mix to direct an episode of Criminal Intent. And that's how I met Peter Jankowski.
This Doors film has been a personal labor of love for Jankowski for over 6 years. In every one of our conversations I was struck by his passion for the band, his love of the music and most importantly, his understanding of what The Doors represented at that turbulent and hugely transformative time in America. The more we talked the more I saw we shared the same respect for what The Doors accomplished both musically and politically. I told Jankowski that if I was going to direct the film I would ask him to honor my responsibility to tell the truth as I saw it. He agreed and has never backed away from it.
Fact Number 1: a huge amount of information about the Doors is total bullshit. I'm still bewildered by the number of fans who stagger into walls shouting, "Morrison lives!" as a psychic greenlight to piss themselves and suck booze through all orifices. I'm not judging them; I've done the same many times in my life. But WHEN YOU'RE STRANGE is not a glorification of getting slammed. Jim Morrison was not a drunk. He was an alcoholic. This is a medical fact. It takes nothing away from the great complexity that makes up his personna.
I believe there are other things that make Morrison infinitely more heroic, and other things that make Ray, John and Robby the perfect counterparts to his wild, unrestricted chaos. He (and his bandmates) believed only in the Truth. All aspects and dimensions of it. Many times it wasn't pretty. Many times it was intensely disturbing. But, it was always the Truth.
This was a huge connection for me. As an independent filmmaker I identified with their commitment to total artistic freedom. No matter what you think of them, The Doors stand today as one of the few bands in the history of rock music who have not sold out. It was inspiring to be reminded that not everything is for sale.
Other connections surprised me and drew me deeper. Morrison's father was an Admiral in the Navy; mine was a Colonel in the Marine Corps. His struggle with his father's authority echoed my own and made him extremely real to me.
The Doors came out of a wildly turbulent time in America. During the 1960's everything was being questioned; especially authority in any form. Protesting college kids were making the nightly news. As I submerged myself into this world I was amazed by the ferocity and courage of the Youth Movement. Nothing like it had happened before. It is nowhere in sight today. Some believe it was hopelessly naive. Yet, at the time that cry of outrage was intoxicating in what it proposed.
The Doors were born out of this conflict. I am left feeling a huge admiration for them and for the wild, anarchistic spirit that forged their consciousness.
Indeed, my connection was also based in the same locale where Jim grew up while in Alexandria, VA. I think I had read in the first book ever on The Doors, ‘No One Here Gets Out Alive’, that Jim had taken the same bus (11A to DC) out of town that my brother and I used to take. My father was retired US Army at the time working at the US Treasury Department in Washington, DC.
I love The Doors and Always Will, because we are all truly strange on this ship of fools!
Thank you very much for your gracious and generous comment. I’m really glad you responded to the film.
Je ne parle pas francais. Quelle domage. Merci pour votre mots. Je comprends un peu.
Du début à la fin c’est un sans faute: pas condescendant ni “apocalyptique”. La combinaison des images et des morceaux est sensible. Le choix de “Crystal ships” pour la fin m’a beaucoup émue. C’est une de mes chansons préférés et il me semble que le texte et la douceur de la voix de Morrison était idéal, calés sur ces instants de paix que montrent ce voyage en mer.
Le commentaire de fin m’a beaucoup plu: “il faut être allumé pour avoir le feux”. Et je dirai ceci: “il n’y a qu’un fou pour reconnaître un fou” ou comme a dit le capitaine “Jack Sparrow” à propos de la folie et du génie “ce qui est étonnant c’est que souvent ces deux qualités vont ensemble”.
Encore merci…
Glad you caught the film on PBS. Too bad you couldn’t have seen it projected on the big screen. But, one screen is better than nothing.
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you enjoyed the film. I’m going to turn your question over to some of the more knowledgeable readers of this blog and let them give you the answers about the poetery.
I had nothing to do with the CD or with the selections of poetry Johnny Depp read.
I´m a writer and young? (44 years) teacher here in Madrid, Spain. I I have now in my hands my first book about popular music in XX century, I´m correcting the text before edite and publish. One option for the title of my book is “The Spirit of Music”. I was very excited when found the voice of Johnny Depp reciting the poem of Jim Morrison. I didn´t know it and I like to insert this poem in the first page of my book. Could you say me where I can find this Jim´s poem? And the lyrics and the date of first original composition?
I apreciate your works, “tanti auguri” for your recent film, Tom!
Any info when the DVD will be released ?
Love those guys in the gas station.
Like Richard Goldstein said in Critique, “There’s lots of little RayManzarek’s running around” …and I was one…left hand bass lines, a rationale for not having a bass player, even a Gibson G-101. Nevertheless, when they were excited about having Jerry Scheff aboard, the question I wish I asked Ray at Roseland on Cinco de Mayo was…”were they ready to bring him along on a live show”. (And would Ray have dropped the combo organ in favor of a Hammond and Leslie?)
The fade ins and outs leaving room for Depp’s lowkey and perfect read…My only issue is with the Doors live sound (as in “worst live band ever”?…hated Absolutely Live but loved the Ch.13 Critique show performance) But even their live performances sounded good in your film (Angelika Theatre NYC).
Thanks, man. I don’t know anything about Doors and their footage. You should contact their management and make your suggestions.
But isn’t it about time now to bring live-performances from the Archive on BLU-RAY disc! That really would be astoundingly Great! The DOORS on Blu-Ray!! It’s Time now! We have already : LED ZEPPELIN with The Song Remains The Same and JIMI HENDRIX: Woodstock and Monterey! Why wait any longer for The DOORS and also JANIS JOPLIN would be great!
Thank you very much for writing. Your English is very good so don’t worry.
I think you will really like the film for the reason you say: every frame of the film is real footage of the real band.
You should read some of the later comments about the upcoming European releases.
We have sold to film to the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Holland, Scandinavia, Portugal and several others. These countries will determine when they will release it. I believe France and England will open the film in late Spring of 2010.
First my English is not that perfect and second i just want to THANK YOU for making movie.. finally we can see Jim and not some actor playing Jim plus we can hear the truth story and i always miss that.
thanks for writing. You express very clearly something that I think many, many people feel–that one’s connection with The Doors is deeply personal as well as universal.
I feel this too. I appreciate your words of encouragement but I must tell you the more I got into this film the easier it was to keep working on it. The spirit of the band and their music inspired me to keep going, and to believe that it was all worthwhile.
I think the film will keep this spirit alive and introduce the Doors to the artistically adventurous for generations to come.
My best to you.
by the way thanks for replying! it feels great to see that people i admire are down to earth,its amazing how you take the time to reply each question and doubts and you reply almost inmediately :O
all i can say is THANKS
Thank you so much for writing. I know there are a lot of very strong Doors fans in your country. I would really hope there could be a release there. Let’s see what happens in the next month or so. At the very least I know there will be a dvd but I really hope you and all your friends get a chance to see it on the big screen.
Hasta la vista,
they will be performing in my city in october 18th and i will be glad to see ray and robby for the third time
thanks for your time and i would really apreciatte if you make a release in my country! thanks a lot!
It’s going to come out. There will be a real theatrical release. Just don’t know the date yet. Should know more in a week or so.
Great to hear from you. Thanks for your note. Interesting to hear your interactions with young Jim. Unfortunately, we missed the cycle on Cannes. The film has already gone to several other major European festivals which make it ineligible.
That plus the fact they never invited us.
But, no worries. Bigger things are coming.
I watched Oliver Stone´s Film some years ago and I just could see a lost Messias without meaning or propose. While Jim was still at home before becoming rich and famous, while he was still in Florida University of Film, before moving to UCLA, was very easy to see that he would become successful. He had a Star face. I spoke to him personally the last time while he was in Clearwater Florida in our Grandparents Farm. I grew up with him and being his cousin was a wonderful experience. Like his father who was not very happy of him said many times, he had always been an intellectual rebel, he had always obeyed and respected authority, except after graduating when he started his rock band The Doors.THIS DOCUMENTARY IS GOONA BE A HUGE WORK. YOU GOTTA GO TO CANNES. Don´t refuse it.
Yes, there is something to be said for continuing the film after Morrison dies but the footage I had is so amazing that I felt it was better to just use it. And, I don’t think it would be false to say that the Doors ended when Jim died. In fact I think they all would agree. The Doors were 4 immensely talented musicians; Ray, Robby, John and Jim. When Jim died the Doors were no more.
Someone else can tell the story of what happened afterwards. But, my film is about the Doors.
It’s hard to say when the film will be available for release. We are all still very excited about a strong US theatrical release. Once we get Johnny Depp’s voice in and start another round of screenings we feel confident a US distributor will emerge.
So, if all goes according to plan perhaps late summer.
I did not catch the movie at the festival, wondering if and when it will be available for release…
Thanks, Andrew
Box #1…right over Ray and the band…Carnegie Hall…November 1971.
Too bad your film ends when Morrison dies.
Really looking forward to the New York premiere!
Alas, I was not able to get tickets to the festival, so am anxiously awaiting both the DVD and news of your experiences at the festival and your time with Ray, Robbie and John. How was it?
I look forward to the documentary very much and plan to travel to see it because I do not live by any major metropolitan areas.
The one salient characteristic about Morrison is mental illness.
The alcohol abuse is not what pointed me to that, but more his lack of empathy. A lack of empathy is one of the symptoms of several personality disorders and mental illnesses.
The one constant theme in his life is he could not feel what others felt.
Of course, his constant self-medicating state was obviously a no brainer that something was amiss in the Morrison psyche.
I still love him however and the trailer brought tears to my eyes.
Again, thank you and look forward to seeing it.
Thanks sincerely for your words of support. I’m sorry you cannot get tickets. I wish there was something I could do to help you but most of the theaters the film is playing at are small, local theaters and the seats are few.
Are you at the festival?
Let me know if you’re still having trouble and I’ll look into it.
Great to hear from you. I can definitely see you playing Morrison.
The spirit you mention is indeed intoxicating. I greatly envy those fans who got a chance to see the Doors play live. Even from the massive amounts of filmed footage I went through it is clear the shows were very much like avant garde theatre where each moment was an experiment. No one knew where they were going or what was going to happen next.
Pretty amazing for a “rock” band.
Thanks for the words of support. I’m eager for you to see the film. I think you will respond to it as deeply as I did.
And that was without any of the above-mentioned drugs.
My best to you.
when your brother told me of your endeavor last year, I was charged with that same spirit that Jim & The Boys have in their intoxicating viscerally charged music. I did a short portraying Jim Morrison as an Interpretation 20 years ago with a young filmmaker that included his poetry. I had a flash back. I can’t wait to see your documentary when it’s released. Good Luck Saturday. Remember drugs are good only in small doses.
all the best.
It’s coming down to the wire. The film screens on Saturday night at 9pm before its first real audience. I will be there.
I will be completely stoned, drunk and if things work out, high on heroin, acid, coke and nembutal.
Glad you like the title. I’m fond of it myself.
Money and materialism was not as much a motivating or dictating factor as it is now.
But, thankfully there still is a thread of interest in the works of many artists from the 60’s like The Doors, and thankfully we can let the passion and risks The Doors took, remind us that we can be on the road to creating something unusual, different and fresh in our individual creative endeavours.
Thanks again and good luck with the premiere, I shall be following it with great interest.
Nice to hear from you. I envy you having seen the Doors live. Making this film and submerging myself in all the footage is the closest I’ve come.
Seeing them clearly had a lasting affect on you. I agree with you about the band and about Morrison. He did give all of himself, as if each performance was his last. It was inspiring to me; especially in these times we live in now when most musicians (even people in general) seem encased in either safety or completely fake and manufactured “passion”.
No one seems interested in the chaotic messiness of real passion. To me it is the closest we have to the divine.
Jim Morrison was a strange dude who was clearly possessed. He kept dropping to his knees during the concert, which led me to believe that he had a total aversion to pain, as well as a complete lack of care in what he did to his body.
I adore the man to this day. Not for the characteristics I describe, but his incredible poetic talent, and his willingness to give all of himself to what he loved to do. As a fan, I miss him and wish that we had had more years of his life to see where he would have gone with his unique and incredible talent. I am sure his band mates feel the same.
I appreciate that you have made this film and look forward to seeing it.
Thanks for the blog posts
Iden in Toronto
Thanks for your comment. Well observed. You astutely address just how elusive the ‘truth’ about the Doors is and the enormity of the task the film faces. I greatly appreciate your final sentence.
At college one of Morrisons mates put forward his Theory Of the True Rumour in which perception is more important than the truth.
Been a Doors fan here in England for 40 years now and can certainly attest to that in the time I have been listening to them.
Hopefully you will have made an effort to find at least some truths about the band rather than attempting to right a 17 year old wrong from some silly Hollywood movie.
And hopefully you will not spend an hour and a half waffling on about Miami and New Haven.
The Doors were a very special band in the Pantheon of Rock and not just to Americans they deserve a document worthy of that renown.
I cannot say I hold out any great hopes as I have been dissapointed too many times before but as always with everything Doors I eagerly look forward to your film which hopefully will see a DVD release early in the year and also hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised and it will indeed be a worthy documentary to the greatest band of all time.
I wish you luck as this is a bugger of a band to tell the story of.
I will give the information on the official When You’re Strange website as soon as it is up and running.
Tom D
Yes, I’m cooling out for a moment before I hit the black ice up at Park City; thanks for asking.
I’m glad you liked Box of Moonlight. I may have mentioned in an earlier comment my amazement at how tough it was to make. It is actually very, very difficult to capture something like that on film.
Everyone was running around like crazy, especially me–even on the most tranquil scenes.
The scenes with Bucky were basically constructed out of elements of my own juvenile delinquency. I found this period of my development highly instructive and enjoyable and would encourage it to everyone. I hope this helps you identify who Bucky reminds you of.
Happy New Year Sally. My best to you.
All good news !!!
We’re waiting …
When the film’s official site will be ready and his adress ?
Thanx again.
Thanks for writing. Here is the plan: the film gets a US distributor at Sundance in January.
Then it will go to the Berlin Film festival in February. If all goes well the film will pick up distributors for all the European countries. I know France would really love this film.
No, I don’t want to do any sneak peaks right now. There may be some clips on the film’s official site which should go up in a few days. The film has a unique stucture with some surprising elements and I’d rather people just come to it fresh.
I know you will keep writing. I also know how sharp each rejection is. Continuing at those times is where the real courage comes in.
so great !!!
I’m waiting, I’m waiting …
But I’m french ! ;o(
But I’m sure you guess what! ;o)
– When ?
– And how many copies ?
– And when ?
But all the french’s fans are waiting for !!!
I think the fans of the Doors know the true story. I think they will sniff out and ridicule anything they sense as fake and sugar-coated. I tried my damndest to stay as far away from both those traps as possible.
Thanks very much for your interest. We’ll be contacting you as soon as we get the film through Sundance and Berlin.
Aishah Abu Bakar, Ms
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I agree with you. Christ, if they printed 1000 and sold them they could pay me.
Thanks for your support, brother. I’m hoping (assuming) the folks at Rhino with the input of Jeff Jampol and Peter Jankowski, are putting together a publicity movement that will get the film out there. I of course will be involved. I did a whole web campaign for my last film.
All the best!
Now I realize I have to be careful around you. You are rubbing the elevated elbows of Big Jeff? He’s been amazing in holding all the different elements together.
I saw a version of the poster yesterday that I loved. Felt it could use some tweaking but very strong.
I believe they are only making 10 for Sundance. The eventual US distributor will make their own for the release. You can imagine though how many of us are already salivating over those first ten.
If you know anything else I don’t know don’t hesitate to tell me.
Thanks for your interest. Spread the word. I think we could stir the nation with this one.
Yes, that is the rumor/plan. I would be honored.
I’m glad you saw Chris Noth’s departure. I thought he handled it very well. The writers were responsible for most of the episode; Chris tweaked some of his lines and I poked my finger into a word or two. But, mainly it was the writers.
Thanks very much for your impassioned words of support. With more people like you pulling for the film we will definitely have a chance.
I agree, it should be a no-brainer for distributors. We decided though to hold off making a decision until the film screens at Sundance in front of an audience. I absolutely fucking hate sending copies of films to distributors so they can “watch” it while texting, eating cheezits, checking email, reading Variety and ordering underwear from JCrew.
As far as the Stone movie let’s leave it at this. I respect his effort. I was not a fan of the film. One single frame of the real Jim Morrison, with Robby, Ray and John is mindblowing in comparison.
This film is not a straight bio. It is a strange hybrid that many times feels like a narrative feature.
Wait and see.
Memory lane? Sort of. The idea was to take it all and present it like it is just happening for the first time. But yes, for people who lived through the time I think it will bring back some very strong feelings.
Actually I can’t wait to see it either. Thanks for writing and keep the spirit alive.
In answer to your question about footage: yes, the film does contain new and rare footage. I don’t want to say too much about what is in the film because I don’t want to ruin the immediate visual experience for you when you walk into the theatre, sit down, and let it hit you for the first time.
I’m kinda sad the interviews are out but I respect your decisions as the author of the piece. Hopefully they’ll show up on the DVD or something. As we know, Jim’s dad just died; RIP.
I’m curious about your opinion of Stone’s “Doors” movie. It will obviously enter the dialogue when people talk about your movie (but that’s because people are strange). I happen to like it. It’s not perfect but I do give him props for recreating the era well and going out on a limb to tell it the way he felt it should be told. As you say you’ve done, he personalized the journey instead of doing a straight bio. I understand why some fans hate it but I think it gets knocked more than it deserves.
Anyway, it sounds like the documentary is in good hands; I can’t wait!
Anyway, just had a question about what you call “rare” footage. Does it mean the doc will have footage that hasn’t been in official Doors releases but can be found in Youtube,or will the doc feature totally unseen footage too?
Will we get a chance to see Paris 1971 footage of Jim and his girlfriend of Pamela Courson? I would also have liked to know if the doc will speak about Pamela, knowing how much of an important figure she has been in Morrison life.
Anyway, wish you the best of luck in Sundance, I really appreciate to be able to see soon a documentary made by someone who really seems to understand the Door’s spirit.
Thank’s !
Thanks for writing.
Yeah, I’m not much for legends. Unless they’re based on facts. I’m infinitely more interested in the human beings. It was that humanity that made all 4 of the Doors so unique. I mean, just realizing how many incredible Doors songs Robby Krieger wrote. Learning how Ray discovered the piano bass (they had no bass player). Seeing how John’s drumming was so distinctive and expressive–miles beyond most rock drummers, then or now.
And that, even at the height of his fame Morrison continued to have doubts about his own voice. His favorite singer was Sinatra.
There will be a total of 6 screenings at Sundance. They will be at a number of different theatres around the Park City area. The first screening is on Sat. the 17th. That’s the premiere so to speak. That’s the one it looks like Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Denmore are coming to which I’m thrilled about.
My best to you,
I have forwarded your message to the publicist at Rhino Records. Thanks very much for your interest. I’m sure they can work something out.
we are yery interested to make an article about your movie about The doors
Is it possible to have a short interview via mail and some pictures of the movie on high res?
i’m leaving my contacts and don’t hesitate to visit our website to know more about us
Music & Cinema Editor
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Thanks for writing–and for the enthusiasm. I’m pretty excited my own self. I think the film turned out very well (that’s not always true) and I think Doors fans will find much in it. It screams for a theatrical release–on a big screen, with big speakers.
See my response to Teo above regarding potential times. Everything kind of depends on Sundance. If the gods are kind we’ll pick up a distributor and the film should start hitting theaters in less than a year.
Spread the word.
Much obliged.
The film is just beginning it’s journey. Many things will determine where it goes. But first we need to have a success at Sundance. We need to find a theatrical distributor who sees the (enormous) potential of a theatrical release.
So, if we get one at Sundance, then it may take 6 months or a year before it will make it into theaters.
And Europe will be a very exciting place for a theatrical release. So, we need a little luck. But if half the people out there feel the way we both do about The Doors then the film will find a life.
This is a Great start to the new year!
I have heard of this and have been waiting!
Sorry if i am being impatient here but in Europe there are millions of fans waiting to see your work !
thanks once again!
We’re rushing like crazy to get the film itself ready for Sundance. There is not much money to spend on the other visual stuff right now. If we get something together I will post it; same goes for a trailer.
I am so glad there will be a documentary about the true Doors !I am so looking forward to see it !i have a question !will there be a theatrical trailer or a poster that youre planning to release in public before the sundance festival?
thank you so much! We, The Doors Fans, appreciate it very much!
It is my pleasure. While I have the time I greatly enjoy making contact with people who share the same interests and joys that I do.
Let me know if you have any trouble getting a hold of those people.
There are a few people on the team who feel the way you do. You’ll see when you watch it–it is a very personal film. By that I don’t mean it is about me. Not in any way. But, it is about a journey into discovering something new and revealing about The Doors. That journey mirrored my own as I learned more and more about them.
Saw your nod on The Writer’s Canvas. Once again, I am indebted to you.
Thank you so much for your help. I am amaized that you are kind enough to respond to your fans! Thanks again.
Thanks for writing. I’m glad you liked Living In Oblivion. I made that film in 15 days. It was funded almost completely by the actors. Anyone who put up cash got a part. I’m serious.
If you liked Oblivion you might enjoy Delirious. Another incredibly performance by Buscemi.
Good ideas for names are welcome. Dut to the insane schedule the voice at Sundance will be me. Like I said, if I can be completely objective about it, at the very least I believe myself. I wrote the words–based on months of research and discovery. The narration needs to reflect that credibility.
I’m sure whoever buys it is going to want to go bigger.
I agree about the director’s commentary. This has been an intense journey for me. I think people might be interested.
You must be aware though that Ray and Robby are not exactly speaking to John so getting the three of them together might be difficult.
I’ve just seen Living In Oblivion, and I’ve really enjoyed it. Very cool and original script.
Thank you.
the choice (and voice) of the narrator is intensely complex. When you see the film you will understand more. It is extremely personal and frankly, emotional. If the narrator doesn’t bring that real connection to the words then there is no film.
At the moment, since I wrote the words, the voice is mine. At the very least the basic reaction is, “Hey, I believe what this guy is saying.”
I may not be James Earl Jones but this is where we are at at the moment. We have approached and recorded musicians more famous and reknown than myself. None of them quite worked.
The voice needs more than anything to be believed.
It doesn’t have to be a superstar voice. I think if it is not me it should be an actor. A younger one who can help introduce younger fans to the thrill of this music.
You should also try contacting John Beug at Rhino Entertainment and Peter Jankowski at Wolf Films.
thanks again for your interest,
That’s the way I feel and the way I’ve always felt. I am intensely thrilled and honored to have been able to take this journey with this band.
thanks for writing. Yes, there’s some pretty amazing stuff in the film that has not been seen before. Some has, but not in the context that it is presented here.
Let’s see what happens at the festival.
What a great comment to get. It is hugely reassuring to me to read something like this. The only thing that kept me going through the whole process was my belief that the truth about the Doors was infinitely more interesting and lasting than the myths.
I am a Production Coordinator at American Masters series on Channel Thirteen, PBS. My boss, Susan Lacy, A Creator and Executive Producer of the series, wwould like to get a screener of your film on The Doors. I don’t know how else I can get in touch with you and ask you this question. Could you please let me know how to contact you regarding this matter.
Thank you so much.
thank you very much. Actually I wondered about Jim’s reaction many times during the making of the film. And whenever I did it prompted me to make decisions that completely surprised me.
Thanks, man. Believe me the words of support are very much appreciated right now. As I mentioned above to Robert Haimer, I have known from the beginning that The Doors fans are going to be crucial elements of the film’s potential life.
I believe I have made something they can be proud of. I know I am. Again, I will stress, the film is kind of unusual. It is not a straight–album by album–chronicle of the band but something else entirely. It encompasses their whole career but does so in a much more intimate and emotional way than most documentaries.
Nonetheless, the fans will decided for themselves.
I will attempt to update this page as often as I can. Just know that the next month or so is going to be crazy.
there certainly is a chance of that but since we are just beginning the introduction of the film to the world there are many things to consider.
First, I’d prefer a theatrical release in each territory. The film is very powerful musically and dramatically and I’d want fans to have the chance to experience it as big as it can be before it hits the small screen.
So, in Germany, we’d be looking for a theatrical deal first. As I’m sure you know, in most cases the theatrical distributor picks up the TV rights.
But, you should contact the film’s financiers, Wolf Films and Rhino Entertainment and make your pitch.
Always a great pleasure to hear from you. I’m glad you like the title. It took months and months to come up with it. One day, years from now, I’ll publish a list of all the other titles that were suggested.
thanks very much for your comment and your vote of confidence. I determined early on that I didn’t want any contemporary talking heads bobbing and blabbing about “the Doors.” All the footage in the film (it’s 87 minutes long)is all stuff from 1966 through 1971.
You are a wonder. You somehow seemed to know exactly what I could benefit most from. Thank you. That soul is what I strived for.
Well, you’ve got one up on me. I never saw Morrison perform live. I feel like I came to know him a little bit though, after sifting through all this footage. Some of the coolest stuff was fragments of audio unconnected to any shots. I’ve put some in the film.
You should know my biggest concern is making something hardcore fans of the Doors like yourself will find interesting and truthful. The fact is, most of you know more about the Doors in certain areas than I do. 10 different movies could be made about them. I can only hope that what I learned and what inspired me will inspire you as well.
Your interpretation of The Doors and Morrison on this blog is dead on. I have been a life long Doors fan. Truth is exactly what its about! They were light years ahead of their peers (other bands) back in the 60’s. There is no band that was as smart, unique and cool as The Doors. They were genuine and real.
I wish you the best with the documentary. Long life to Sundance and long life to you!
The Doors have always been there for me, lurking in the background as my own personal soundtrack to my life. I thank them for that.
It is indeed exciting. I’m looking forward to the screenings at Sundance myself.
Well, you have a considerable leg up on me. I never met the man in person. I did of course talk with Ray, John and Robby. The film is for lack of a better phrase, indefinable. It really does define explanation; like Jim–and like the Doors themselves. However, I am more proud of this film than anything I’ve ever done. It captures something; I don’t know exactly what it is–but there is an intimacy; a glimpse into the soul of Jim and the band that I’ve not seen before.
I sincerely hope people will appreciate it.
I’d love to go to Cannes with it. If we accept Berlin however it will cancel Cannes out. Tough call.
I think the French would go crazy for it.