A few days ago I was called into a development meeting at Gestation with Arnold and George, the executive in charge of distribution. The long and short of it was this; they were cutting the advertising campaign from $350,000 to $675.84. To assuage my fears that this might have some effect on the way the film was going to be marketed George explained this new idea he’d had while surfing the net one night as he was watching a movie, checking his email, and playing online poker.
He wanted me to come up with a series of skits using the main actors from the film which we would then leak to websites like YouTube and MeToobe. Gestation would provide the video cameras and crew and I could do whatever I wanted just as long as it generated real, measurable buzz on the web. You can actually view this meeting because George had his nephew there with a video camera.
So, to keep my sanity and to keep from committing suicide or homicide I enlisted the aid of young video filmmaker and web activist Chioke Nassor. Together we sketched out a series of ideas. The first one was with Steve Buscemi. I suggested we do something where Steve and I get into a fight and I accuse him of doing more press for his new film Interview than for Delirious. Steve was into the plan and as a matter of fact it was his idea for what came to be the actual set up. He was doing a long press day in a hotel room full of journalists in NY. He said, “Why don’t you just come by and we’ll see what happens?”
Nothing was rehearsed. The basic idea was agreed upon between Steve and me and Chioke was there with the camera. You can view the result HERE. The original intent was to leak it as if it was real. Most people responded that it was funny though many told me they were deeply saddened to see my relationship with Steve so seriously deteriorated.
We had such a good time--it made me able to take less and less of the Prozac/Thorzine booster my shrink had recently prescribed--that we plunged ahead and did one with Gina Gershon. The idea that Chioke and I sketched out was that I was to bring Gina to a hotel room under the impression she was going to do a very personal, intimate video portrait about her career and about Delirious. Chioke directed, cast, prop-mastered and edited the whole thing. Again, we did not rehearse. There was no written dialogue. We simply turned on the cameras.
This is what resulted.
There is method to the madness. And madness to the method. The point of the endeavor is to show the absolute desperation and hysteria that goes into promoting a film. But beyond that, what goes into promoting a career, a personality—a life. It may be extreme but it is not far from the truth: Everything is promotable. Anything is valid if it brings attention.
Chioke and I are going to do a couple more if I survive this trip to LA. If you like the clips drop a comment on me. You could really help too by passing on the links to fellow inmates, reform school residents and filmgoers.
Many Thanks.
Thanks very much for writing in. That screening of Delirious in Santa Monica was very intense for me. The whole plan had been to get as many people there as possible to help build “word of mouth” for the LA opening. Of course the folks in charge of building the word didn’t do too much and you were one of may 20 people in the audience.
But, I’m very glad you were there and I greatly appreciate your support.
A few nights ago my wife and I were walking to the subway in the west Village and we got behind a couple talking about film. The guy says, “You know, the little guy who was in Station Agent.” His girlfriend said, “Yeah, yeah I know who you mean.”
I felt like tapping them on the shoulder and saying, “Yes, but first I cast him in Living In Oblivion when no one knew him at all.” Peter is an amazing actor and I’m very happy for him.
I’m glad you like Cheever. I think his work is amazing. You should also check out Richard Yates; there is some similarity.
Listen, if you are getting your scripts optioned then all I can say is the same thing you said to me: you are miles ahead of the people writing and writing with no professional results whatsoever. But I certainly can understand your frustration at not seeing one or more come to fruition. Do you know any independent directors? In other words do you have a way to get your material more in the hands of people who are more likely to get the film made? You might have to settle for a smaller option fee but it is like I tell everyone who asks me about this business: there are no roads, no rules and nothing means anything. Hannibal crossed the Alps in the middle of winter to surprise and defeat his enemy. That is what filmmaking is like–choosing the difficult, unexpected path that at least gives the possibility of action and therefore the possibility of success.
Keep writing.
I know you sometimes get frustrated with the system and development hell, but just know that you are head and shoulders above guys like me, who can’t get past the option stage. Yes, it’s nice to get optioned, and I am grateful, but an option and $1.90 gets me coffee at S’bucks.
(my real name is the same as yours, but it would get awfully confusing on this blog with too many of us, and I refuse to go by Thomas).
You check your resources man, and come back to us because it not only sounds interesting it is interesting.
Once again, on behalf of everyone who worked so hard on the film, thanks for your support and encouragement.
thanks for the budget number correction my friend but shouldn’t you be writing the next skit!?
Again, I’m glad you like the clips. We took a bit of a risk there but decided the best thing to do was to make a series of incidents that literally cut everybody (myself included) to the bone. It’s so strange, some of the most brutal, heartrending and vicious human behavior I’ve ever seen has been in the entertainment business.
Thanks very much for your interest and support.
More to come.
Yes, you did leave a comment. I just got back from LA on a publicity tour for Delirious and am a little crazed. Plus, I’m very new to blogging and only now realized there is a section I need to check frequently for comments.
I’m very glad you like the clips. We did them to supplement a completely non-existent promotion budget. Much credit should go to Chioke Nassor who had the original idea. We have one more planned which will shoot this Monday and I have a feeling you will like it too.
I thank you sincerely for your words of support.
Alas, I wish the budgets were getting higher and higher. Not to line my frayed pockets but to get a few goddamm more shooting days. Delirious was shot in 25 days, man. I suppose you’re right in one sense, why not make a movie for $30,000 instead of $3 million? Listen, nothing is going to stop me from making the movies the way I know in my soul they should be made. I’m sorry if it takes so long. Believe me, it kills me too. One thing Delirious taught me, never, never, never give in to the Hostess Twinkie forces that threaten to smother you at every turn.
Thanks for the support. See the film. You’ll see why I put 6 years into it.
Anyway, just a thought.