June 16, 2014

There is some activity on the film front. I'm in what can be most accurately termed pre-pre-pre-production on a feature I wrote. Which means I'm in a deal with some people who are trying to get the cast so we can get the money to get the cast so we can get the money.

In the meantime, I finished a new film; a docu-mystery called DOWN IN SHADOWLAND.

Shadowland twin boys

It is a personal project that I made completely by myself. For the past 7 years I've been carrying my video camera around with me every day on the subway. The intent was to try and capture some of the haunting and surreally beautiful moments I've seen down there, where people reveal something intimately human in this most public of private places. I edited 7 years of footage into a 65 minute film.

The film has just been accepted into the Main Competition of a major US festival. I will give the specifics when I can.

Musically, The Black and Blue Orkestre has just finished a new music video from their new album, Hurt Me Tender.


The video is the first vocal track video from us. Like the song, it has an elegant, moody, dark humor. It should be out soon. Here's a little behind-the-scenes video flash:

I check your blog on a regular basis just on the off chance (hope) that you’ll have a new film project on the way. While I’m happy that you find personal fulfillment through your music, I find that your movies strike a particular unique chord with me that other filmmakers can’t. As though we (your films and I) vibrate at the same frequency, or at least at rhythms complimentary.
I understand that getting funding for projects is more trying today than it was even in the past, so I wish you luck on getting your new film figured out.
“Down in Shadowland” though sounds like a wonderful project and I hope there’s a chance for my Canadian ass to see it at some point (soon!). That alone, is the best news I’ve heard in some time.
Cheers and good luck, Mr. DiCillo.
Hey Scott, thanks very much for the kind words.
Yes, I agree; a new film from me is long overdue. But, not for lack of trying. The independent film business today is a whole different animal. And animal is definitely the right word. I will keep you posted on the progress with Down In Shadowland. It is a significant departure in some ways; and a return to form in another. I wanted to make a film that was as close as possible to what my eye sees.
I also agree with your analogy about frequencies. I really do find that some people tune into the wavelength and some don’t. But, those who do are particularly sensitive to the vibe.
Hi Tom!
Great to see you blogging again 🙂
Congrats on the pre/pre/pre production of the script! Which one is it, if you don’t mind me asking?
Glad to hear about your entry into the US film fest as well. Look forward to seeing that film one day.
Love the pics the B&B Orkestre took for your video setup. Keep up the great work, Tom. I have to smile, because I remember the end of “Box of Moonlight” commentary (when was that, like 1996?) when you said you might just become a singer/songwriter one of these days. And you have with some great across-the-pond talent!
Keep us posted. Been wondering how you were doing,
Hey Elaine,
Yes, I dusted off the old WordPress machine. These things take a lot of work!
The script I’m pushing at the moment is one I wrote about two people who get swept up in a crime that looks like child’s play. Of course it isn’t. It’s a kind of contemporary noir hints of Double Indemnity and Wild At Heart.
I’ll announce the film festival for the other film soon.
Thanks for the encouragement on the music. It provides the same excitement as film for me, and they way we’re doing it getting it made is infinitely more enjoyable.
My best to you.

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Independent Filmmaker & Musician