Written by: Tom DiCillo
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Here is a music video together for Frozen Sunset, a new instrumental track by The Black & Blue Orkestre. The idea was that our little 3 person consortium, spread out like it is between …
April 2, 2012
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The Black & Blue Orkestre has a new vocal track, called "Frozen Heartache". It was somewhat inspired by the groove of "Frozen Sunset" but then took on a life of its own.  
March 25, 2012
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I love this time of year. There's a sharp thrill in the air. The holidays are here and people are full of anticipation and excitement. Everyone's putting their lists together. Not Christmas lists; I …
December 19, 2011
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Here's a paragraph I came across today. The words are David Lynch's. They had a lot of resonance for me so I thought I'd share them. "Negativity is the enemy to creativity. So, if you …
November 13, 2011
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I feel a little guilty. I'm not writing about anything that has to do with film--especially not about anything regarding progress on one of my own. There is progress but it would only be of interest …
October 10, 2011
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The Black & Blue Orkestre has been at it again. We just did a cover of the Trogg's "With A Girl Like You." It's the usual suspects;  Grog on bass and additional vocals; Will Crewdson …
September 16, 2011
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Flew to Munich for a Retrospective of my films at the end of June. I was not sorry to leave that world behind for a few days. The Munich Film Festival put us up …
August 7, 2011
A few weeks ago a documentary called Freedom Riders aired on PBS. It's a strong piece about a milestone event in the American civil rights struggle and I recommend it highly. I was struck …
June 17, 2011
The Munich Film Festival's retrospective of my films is moving forward. I'm heading over at the end of June. They're going to show all 7 films which is pretty amazing to me. Not that …
May 24, 2011
Alright Wayne, you axed for it. Well, actually you didn't but here you go anyway. The financier of The Real Blonde told me at the beginning of production he felt it was time for …
May 8, 2011
  Well, the actual Grammy arrived yesterday. I'm glad it did. It has a great weight to it. And I like the shape; it's like a big, shiny, metal flower. I'd been waiting for …
May 1, 2011
Well, blow me down. When You're Strange just won the Grammy. I'm celebrating right now. I urge everyone else to do the same. Alright, I'm back from celebrating and doing what I should have …
February 13, 2011
A few weeks ago Wayne, a frequent commentor and friend of this blog, sent me an email. Some of you may recall that Wayne made a huge career change a few months ago when …
February 8, 2011
I woke up this morning to discover When You're Strange has been nominated for a Grammy. The category is long form video (dvd) which is fine even though the film was conceived as a …
December 2, 2010
The Black & Blue Orkestre has completed a new track, called Slide On. It's kind of a funk, gospel rocker that started as a semi-instrumental. Our bass player Grog suggested I write some real …
November 7, 2010
It's crazy; no sooner do I finish When You’re Strange, finding myself adrift yet again in a vast sea of nextfilm limbo, then my old friend Jimmy decides to reappear. You may recall our last …
September 29, 2010
When John Densmore and I were in Paris a few months ago we met Alexandre Isard, a French photographer who was shooting stills for a magazine article about the release of When You're Strange. …
September 13, 2010
I don't usually get involved with political groups but when founder and co-mama Ursula Forage contacted me asking for a pledge I complied without hesitation. Ursula said her members, which now only number around …
August 7, 2010
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July is literally melting into August here in NYC. I spend my days trying to get two new feature scripts off the ground. To help keep my sanity during this process I go to a boxing …
July 31, 2010
The theatrical life of When You're Strange is fading away. I've spent months talking about this film. Sometimes, when I least expect it, I get the strangest feeling that I've actually learned a few …
July 14, 2010
Well, I got a crazy email this morning from one of the producers informing me When You're Strange has been nominated for an Emmy. Whacked but Fact; this is indeed true. It seems the …
July 8, 2010
This came in a little while ago from MK2, the French distributor. Thought I'd share it with you. Dig that poster.   THE FRENCH PUBLIC IS HIGH ON THE DOORS When You’re Strange, the …
June 16, 2010
The trip to Paris last week was short, fast and intense. Started press with John Densmore a few hours after I arrived, took a break, had dinner with MK2, the French distributors, and then …
June 9, 2010
This photo just came in thanks to Noemie in Paris. She took it in a subway station. I've had other friends say they've seen the poster all over the city. My sincere congratulations to …
May 28, 2010
There are many strange emotions that accompany events in this business but none is quite as complex as the moment when a film leaves a theater. A little over a week ago When You're …
May 19, 2010
Two weeks after my return from Paris my brain is back, slightly battered but in better shape than my soul. I don't think it is anything more than a simple observation of fact to point out that …
May 8, 2010
Made it home Tuesday night just before sunset. I have to say the NJ Turnpike never looked so good. The trip back to the US took over 18 hours. I stood in a frenzied …
April 22, 2010
The headline says it: the volcano has shut down Europe. I know, I know; it could be worse. Is it really that terrible to be stuck in Paris indefinitely? No, but the indefinitely part definitely makes …
April 16, 2010
I used to spend days writing these posts. But, things are happening so fast it seems better to just write when the impulse hits. I'm in Paris. No matter what I say to myself …
April 13, 2010
Hey. Check this out. It's from Indiewire: Perhaps more impressive was the relatively wide debut of DiCillo’s “When You’re Strange.  The documentary about The Doors - DIY released through Abramorama - grossed $65,371 from …
April 11, 2010
Last night I had one the most inspiring and amazing experiences I've ever had in this business. I went down to the Angelika Film Center in NYC expecting to do a brief Q & …
April 10, 2010
Well, my brothers and sisters. I've got to share some things with you. Thanks to Elaine's groundbreaking personal effort and the foresight of Doors manager Jeffrey Jampol, other people are going out on their …
April 6, 2010
WHEN YOU'RE STRANGE   OPENS APRIL 9 !!! Check your newspaper listings. Advertising is going to be sparse. Word of mouth is going to be crucial. Don't be shy about telling your friends, even your …
April 5, 2010
It's been a while, I know. Not sure when things started getting so crazy but crazy they are. Just had a shot of good news from the South by Southwest Music Festival in Austin. …
March 22, 2010
Well, my friends, it is finally Official. When You're Strange will begin its theatrical release in the US on April 9. The first 8 cities are: New York Los Angeles Philadelphia Chicago Atlanta Dallas …
February 16, 2010
This came in a few weeks ago from Johnny Depp. I made reference to it in a comment buried deep in the last post. It struck me recently that it deserved its own page. …
January 13, 2010
Just as my brain recovers from the trip to Deauville someone sneaks up from behind and thwacks it with a giant tennis racket. As a result it lands in San Sebastian, Spain about 7 …
October 22, 2009
Sept. 5. 09. 9 am. I'm sitting in the back of a car looking out the window. The driver works through the outskirts of Paris and heads north for the 2 hour drive to …
September 9, 2009
This is more of a News Update than a specific post. It may also serve to remind people I'm still here. Been kinda busy. The developments on When You're Strange are good. I can't …
August 3, 2009
When You're Strange has finished its two screenings at the LA Film Festival. Many of you have written in with your comments and reactions which I greatly appreciate. Early word seems to be that …
June 26, 2009
Creating an energized, productive set begins long before you ever get there. It starts with the people you've chosen to join the team. Making a decision about who to hire is never easy. No …
June 23, 2009
I wrote earlier the director is the captain of the ship. I did not mean Captain Bligh. But you'd be amazed how many people say the main reason they want to be a director …
June 7, 2009
CHRONIC After the financing fell through on Box Of Moonlight for the 3rd time I got an email from one Fred Knimble. Fred had a production company based in South Africa that was looking for low-budget …
May 27, 2009
When I was 23, I moved to NYC and started classes at NYU Film School.  As the months went by I kept waiting for the day when I would actually learn something. I knew the art …
May 16, 2009
Here is the 1st in a new series of posts under the general heading of Whacked But Fact. These are actual incidents that have happened to me. They will appear when I remember them. …
May 8, 2009
Notes From Winter January 1.16.09. 7:06 am. Newark. The flight to Sundance is over-sold. The plane is jammed with ski-bums and half the NY independent film scene. Bad news; I got stuck with a middle …
March 30, 2009
  Back from Berlin. Been awake for 39 hours. Here's what I remember: First three screenings were to sold-out houses. Another screening is set for Feb. 14th. It too is sold out. Audiences came curious, …
February 11, 2009
How many people know one of Jim Morrison's favorite blues singers was a cat named Arlen Condrell? Arlen was in a band called The Bottom Feeders. He died penniless in Chicago at 47, in …
January 26, 2009
I’m about 8 miles high somewhere over Kansas. It’s pitch black out the window. I'm flying out to LA to finish the final mix and the color correction of When You’re Strange. The entire …
December 27, 2008
Alright. I've finally got a moment to turn the page from Delirious to the Doors. After all it's only been 3 years. And after all, we're only talking about THE DOORS. Some quick updates. …
December 3, 2008


Independent Filmmaker & Musician