I woke up this morning to discover When You're Strange has been nominated for a Grammy. The category is long form video (dvd) which is fine even though the film was conceived as a film, made as a film and released as a film.
But it is a great honor to receive this nomination from the music industry. I worked very hard to make the film be as much about the Door's music as possible. Their sound is like no other. I'm thrilled for them and everyone who believes like I do that this band stands as one of the most singular musical collaborations to rise out of the American rock psyche.
Let it roll.
Zef Çota
Wishing you all the best.
Of course I should have known you’d seen Animal Kingdom already. I almost missed it. It’s gone from NY now. It is interesting to me to see what films inspire the same reactions in different people.
Listen, I don’t know what I deserve but I can say your comment was extremely gracious. And generous.
You’re an amazing artist, an inspiration to all filmmakers the world over, and most importantly an ally in the war against sell-outs.
Wow, you got connected fast, bro. That’s a great company you’re working at.
I don’t have that much invested in how Jim might or might not act. The truth is no one knows. I’m glad the Florida governor went the extra mile to get the pardon. I can also see the family’s point that Jim shouldn’t have been arrested in the first place.
Thanks for the good wishes. Let’s see what happens in Feburary.
That’s a great story about the TV. The best part of it was the note about your kids already knowing how to work it. Crazy, isn’t it?
Ms. Ann Onimuss
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That’s a very thoughtful gift–I hope she appreciated it!!
Great to hear from you my brotha.
Thanks for the kind words about the Grammy nom. Yeah, the film got, and is getting attention and I’m pleased (and relieved) by that. Still, it doesn’t erase the series of boneheaded decisions that were made that had specific impact on how and if the film was scene.
We were recently told the film was “ineligible” for Oscar consideration because it showed on PBS 3 weeks after its theatrical release.
I don’t even want to begin to try and comprehend the logic of that last sentence.
Never heard from any Oscilloscopes. I have not seen Dear Zachary. I’ll check it out on your rec. Where are you these days? Are you with your folks for the holidays? Give me a pitchur of your activities.
Happy Holidays to you. And Jane throws a big hello your way.
Great comment, really. Made me chuckle and made me want to print it out and frame it.
I echo your sentiments and also encourage Wayne to come over with a barrel or two of ale.
Welcome back. I haven’t written too much lately as I’ve been pretty jammed up with other things.
I appreciate your continued faith in When You’re Strange. The odd thing about making a film is that once you finish it that’s it; it don’t change.
People’s perceptions of it might but the film will be the film will be the film.
Nice to hear from you, mate. How are things going at film school? I’m wagering you must have made your own first film by now.
Great to hear from you again. I heard some rumors that When You’re Strange was doing OK in Spain. I hope that is true.
I wish you the best for the holidays and the New Year.
Yeah, pretty wild about the Grammy nom. I certainly never expected it.
I’m just curious; a few people in interviews for Spain and Australia have asked me, “How do you think Jim would feel about the pardon from Florida?”
Last week my husband and I finally watched Little Miss Sunshine, a movie that won around a billion awards, was praised left and right, and hyped to no end. However as it turns out, it is nothing but a disappointing and clichéd piece of crap! Delirious, which I believe is from the same year, beats it at ANY level – story, dialogue, acting, originality, everythying! Those awards people are crazy. You are very wise to see this nomination as simply an opportunity for more people to hear about WYS. No award makes a movie great, either it is or it isn’t, and WYS is.
It’s been harder to find time to write but I have been enjoying your blog as always. I wish you, your family and everybody here happy holidays, a wonderful new year. And I hope Santa will bring us an extra dose of sanity, patience and sense of humor to deal with it all.
I hope you get that grammy!
And by the other hand, DiCillo’s and Doors’ Spanish fans finally
get the chance to see the film in the big screen.
Thanks so much for your comment. I am very happy that When You’re Strange is reaching audiences in Spain. I really appreciate you forwarding us all this news.
The premiere was a success in Spain, although it opened in only four theaters (2 in Madrid, one in Barcelona and one in Valencia).
Boxoffice.es says: “Special mention deserves the excellent debut of the musical documentary When you’re strange with which Avalon marked another success again. It has raised almost 15,000 € in 4 theaters. It’s more than 3,700 € for theater. It’s very positive for this film. It has found its audience”.
thanks for the link to the Morrison pardon. It is pretty significant in a way. I know Jim was still very disturbed by the hanging conviction even has he flew to Paris with Pam.
I’ll take that big ol Canadian congratulations any day!! Let’s see what happens next month.
That’s kind of how I felt when I heard the news. Thanks very much for your support. The film just seems to a have a ripple of life to it, life of it’s own; despite a miserable theatrical release here.
It has just opened in theaters in Spain and is about to open in Australia.
That’s an interesting observation about The Doors and the Grammy’s. Were they ever nominated for one while Jim was alive?
I’m happy about it but I don’t give it more importance than something that can help people find the film and see it on their own. God knows the theatrical release was pretty pathetic.
Great to hear from you. I am proud of the film. I worked on it harder than almost any of my other films. I also fought for it to stay in the current form it is in.
And I don’t cringe when my name comes up.
Perhaps people will keep discovering the film.
Thanks for the encouragement. I do think it is cool that Robbie got a nomination for his album too. Who knows which way this one will blow. The best thing is that people are still hearing about and seeing the film.
Thanks for the vote of support. I truly am happy just to be nominated. Whatever happens is frosting. I’m glad you liked the film. It has emerged as one of my personal favorites.
You were the first one to send me the news. I’m kind of grinning about it inside. Literally woke up this morning set to slog through my email and look what I found–a Grammy nomination.
I appreciate your kind words. I was totally taken by surprise by the nomination. But, it is a very cool honor, coming from a music organization.
I fought harder than I’ve ever fought to keep the film the way I envisioned it–even up until the day was released entities were attempting to fudge with it.